Webinar: Fiscal digitalisation and taxation of multinational companies

30 September 2021, starting 10.00 am

The digital transformation of the economy, without a doubt, shapes the future of taxation. While the digitalisation spurs innovation, generates efficiencies, and improves services, the breadth and speed of this change introduces challenges as well as opportunities.

During this session, to help you stay informed and advice you on the latest changes, but also on the future ones, our speakers will go through the global minimum tax, which was decided within the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, the new digitalisation and simplification measures published in the Fiscal Procedure Code, the audit readiness in transfer pricing, as well as the newest updates regarding the Court’s tax jurisprudence.

Who should participate?

The webinar is suitable for all tax professionals, including in-house tax managers and directors, tax lawyers, advisers, policymakers and government officials who wish to have a better understanding of the newest changes.


  • Digital economy – What is the new minimum global tax?
  • Latest changes of the Fiscal Procedure Code – a small step for the tax authorities, a big step for taxpayers
  • The practice of transfer pricing audits – aspects influencing the risk analysis, the approach of the tax authorities and transfer pricing adjustments
  • Court tax jurisprudence updates – practical interest aspects

The event will be held in Romanian and the registration is free of charge.


Alexandru Stănoiu, Counsel, RTPR | Radu Tărăcilă Pădurari Retevoescu

Liviu-Mihai Gheorghiu, Senior Manager, Mazars Romania


To register and confirm your attendance, please email us at violeta.serban@rtpr.ro.